SKC Limited IOM Multi-Dust Sampler User Manual
I.o.m. multi-dust samplers, Introduction, Preparing the i.o.m. sampler for use

Page 1
007-05-003 Issue C January 2009
I.O.M. Multi-Dust Samplers
Operating Instructions
This instruction sheet covers the following sampler models:
I.O.M. sampler in plastic with re-usable plastic cassette
I.O.M. sampler in stainless steel with re-usable stainless steel cassette
I.O.M. sampler in plastic with re-usable stainless steel cassette
The I.O.M. sampler* is designed for dust (aerosol) sampling to the
inhalable convention as defined in standard EN481:1993, using
HSE method MDHS 14/3 “General methods for sampling and
gravimetric analysis of respirable and inhalable dust”.
It is highly recommended to obtain and read the document MDHS
14/3, available from the HSE website, before
carrying out any sampling using the I.O.M. sampler.
Design flow rate is 2.0 l/min, giving a 50% sampling efficiency (cut
point) at 100µm (micron) particle size.
When used with a particle size selective foam insert the I.O.M.
sampler is a validated alternative to the cyclone sampler for dust
sampling to the respirable convention as defined in standard
EN481:1993, using method MDHS 14/3. It is also possible to
carry out multi-dust sampling to determine both the inhalable and
respirable fractions from one sample using the I.O.M. sampler and
foam insert. Refer also to report IR/EXM/99/06 produced by and
available from the Health and Safety Laboratory (UK).
Note that the foam inserts are designed for single use only. A new
foam insert must be used for each sample.
The SKC plastic I.O.M. sampler is manufactured from conductive
plastic which dissipates electrical charges to the surrounding
atmosphere and prevents static interference on the collection of
the dust particles.
The filter is held within a two part, re-usable cassette, suitable for
25mm diameter filters only. The filter and cassette assembly are
weighed as a single unit, reducing the amount of filter handling.
Additionally, any dust that does adhere to the walls of the cassette
inlet is also included in the sample.
The sampler is supplied complete with a cassette sealing cap and
cassette transport clip to prevent contamination of the sample
during transport for laboratory analysis.
For detailed instructions on air sampling in general and use of the
I.O.M. sampler in particular refer to SKC’s 224-G1 Step by Step
Guide to Air Sampling.
*The I.O.M. sampler is manufactured under license from the Institute of Occupational Medicine, trade mark registered number 2043339E.
The following instructions give basic details on how to prepare for
dust sampling by gravimetric analysis according to HSE method
MDHS 14/3.
Select two filters from the same box or batch. If carrying out
respirable or multi-dust sampling using foam inserts, also select
two foam inserts from the same box or batch.
One filter (and foam insert) is used whilst calibrating the sample
flow rate and is then discarded, and the second filter (and foam
insert) is pre-weighed to carry out the actual sample.
It is recommended to wear powder free gloves and to use tweezers
when handling filters in order to prevent contamination prior to
taking the sample.
Loading the cassette
Refer to Figure 2 on page 2.
Ensure that the I.O.M. sampler components are cleaned of any
contamination, using a detergent solution. Allow the components
to dry fully before use.
Place the filter to be used for calibration into the cassette support
grid. Fit the cassette front to the support grid, pushing gently until
the two parts of the cassette snap together.
If carrying out respirable or multi-dust sampling, fit one of the two
foam inserts into the inlet of the cassette front, pressing it in evenly
until the front face of the foam insert sits just below the front rim of
the cassette front as shown in Figure 2 on page 2.
Preparing the I.O.M. Sampler for Use
O rings
insert¹ Cassette
Filter Cassette
O ring²
Dust cap
¹Foam insert only required for respirable
and multi-dust sampling.
²Not required on some models.
Rear view of
front plate detailing
O ring positions
Figure 1