SKC 225-9594 SKC BioSampler User Manual
Page 4

Sampling with Collection Liquid
The BioSampler can be used for both short-term and long-term sampling
depending on the collection liquid chosen.
Operating Cautions:
•Visually inspect BioSampler operation frequently, particularly when
using a viscous collection liquid.
•Use only 15 ml of viscous liquid in a 20-ml vessel and 4 ml inside a 5-ml
•Use a liquid trap in line to ensure that collection liquid (particularly
viscous liquid) in a BioSampler vessel does not enter the pump.
Short-term sampling (less than 30 minutes)
Use sterile distilled water or a liquid of similar viscosity such as physiological
saline, phosphate buff ered saline, nutrient broth, or peptone water.
Caution: Water or water-based liquids are not recommended for sampling
periods over 30 minutes or when collecting hydrophobic particles such as
fungal spores.
Long-term Sampling (greater than 30 minutes)
Use a non-evaporating liquid such as ViaTrap (a special mineral oil for collecting
bioaerosols) or glycerol. These liquids can be used for both long-term and
short-term bioaerosol sampling. Collection effi
ciency has been shown to remain
essentially constant during an eight-hour sampling period.
Caution: • Glycerol is not recommended as a liquid for viable microorganism
collection because the microorganisms may die from osmotic pressure.
• ViaTrap mineral oil may not be suitable for PCR analysis.
1. Measure and record fl ow rate, Q
L/min, through the BioSampler as described
on page 2.
2. Sterilize all parts of the BioSampler (see Cleaning, page 6).
Note: To sterilize ViaTrap mineral oil, carefully fi lter it using a 0.4-μm pore size
sterile polycarbonate membrane. Do not autoclave ViaTrap; heating the
oil will make it cloudy.
3. Aseptically pipet the appropriate amount of sterilized collection liquid into
the collection vessel. Assemble a clean, sterilized inlet, nozzle, and collection
vessel in an aseptic area (see Cleaning, page 6). Temporarily seal inlet and
outlet of the sampler with aluminum foil or Parafi lm.
4. Warm up the vacuum pump for at least one minute before connecting it to the
sampling train (see pump operating instructions).