SKC 225-70A IOM Inhalable Dust Sampler with MultiDust Foam Discs User Manual

Operating instructions, Description, Iom with multidust foam disc

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Operating Instructions

863 Valley View Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA

Tel: 724-941-9701 Fax: 724-941-1369 e-mail: [email protected]

IOM Personal Samplers and

IOM Samplers with MultiDust


The patented* IOM Sampler is a sampling head that houses a reusable two-part
fi lter cassett e with specifi ed 25-mm fi lter for the collection of inhalable airborne
particles. The fi lter and cassett e assembly are pre and post-weighed as a single unit
for gravimetric analysis. The IOM Sampler and cassett e are available in conductive
plastic or stainless steel. The stainless steel model is ideal for sampling vapor-phase
isocyanates followed by chemical analysis. The IOM Sampler meets the following
U.S. and international standards:



sampling criteria for inhalable particulate mass

• NIOSH Method 5700 for formaldehyde on dust
• Australian standard for inhalable particulate
• Preferred sampler for HSE Method MDHS 14/3 for inhalable and respirable dust
• Complies with MDHS 25/3 for organic isocyanates (with stainless steel model)
• Complies with MDHS 6 for lead (with accessory single-hole head)


/CEN health-related fractions of bioaerosols

• OSHA equivalent method for particulates not otherwise regulated (PNOR)

The sampler is supplied with a cassett e cover and cassett e transport clip to prevent
contamination during transport.

* U.S. Patent No. 4,675,034
‡ Reference: OSHA lett er November 8, 2011

IOM with MultiDust Foam Disc

The IOM can be used to sample for inhalable and respirable fractions simultane-
ously by using a fi lter and a MultiDust Foam Disc (polyurethane foam). In addition,
a polycarbonate fi lter can be combined with a MultiDust Foam Disc for eff ective
size-selective bioaerosol sampling and bett er microorganism survivability when
compared to fi lter-only sampling.


Conductive plastic IOM

Stainless steel IOM