SKC 225-9690 Wall Inspector Kit User Manual

Operating instructions, Wall sampling guide with versatrap cassettes

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Operating Instructions

863 Valley View Road, Eighty Four, PA 15330 USA

Tel: 724-941-9701 Fax: 724-941-1369 e-mail: [email protected]

Wall Sampling Guide

with VersaTrap Cassettes

Flow Rate: 15


Sample Time: 2





Sample Pump



Wall Adapter

(inserted in wall)

Complete Wall Sampling train.

Calibration and Preparation

1. Calibrate sample pump with representative VersaTrap


Cassett e in line

to desired fl ow rate (15 L/min is recommended for VersaTrap). Remove
cassett e aft er calibration.

2. Use drill with bit to create a 3/8-inch hole in wall 3 to 6 inches from fl oor.

Caution: Drill slowly to minimize aerosolization of gypsum dust.

3. Insert angled end of VersaTrap Wall Adapter tubing into hole.

4. Prepare a "vacuum" cassett e by removing labels from inlet and outlet of a

cassett e. Att ach rectangular end of adapter to cassett e inlet. Use "vacuum"
cassett e only to collect excess dust.

5. Turn on pump for 10 seconds. Turn off pump. Remove "vacuum" cassett e

and set aside for re-use.


Sampling Tip: Take a sample from a non-suspect wall cavity to use as
a negative control.

1. Remove sealing labels from a new cassett e and att ach to adapter without

disturbing adapter tubing in wall.

2. Turn on pump and sample for two minutes.

3. Disconnect adapter and cassett e. Before replacing sealing labels on cassett e,

hold it up to the light. If you cannot see through the slide, discard cassett e
and take another sample. Continue sampling until a usable sample is

4. Seal

cassett e inlet and outlet with sealing labels, label cassett e, and ship

with blanks to a laboratory for analysis. Go to for a list of
laboratories that analyze VersaTrap Cassett es.

Wall Sampling Considerations

1. Sample location. Total counts may vary in diff erent types of wall cavities.

E.g., a four-foot wall versus a 12-foot plumbing wall will diff er in volume
of air within the wall cavity.

2. Moisture level. Excessive moisture in a sample location can prevent

microbial contaminants from becoming airborne.

3. Gypsum dust. If gypsum dust is trapped inside the cassett e, accurate

microscopic analysis cannot be performed because the dust will mask
mold spores. Following the guidelines in this operating instruction
should help minimize the collection of dust when using this device.

Ordering Information

Form #40094 Rev 1102

Media and Accessories

Cat. No.

VersaTrap 37-mm Sampling Cassette
Shelf-life one year from date of manufacture.


VersaTrap Wall Adapters


QuickTake 30 Sample Pump with Rotameter, 10 to 30 L/min,
includes charger (100-240 V)

† Contains Li-Ion batt eries and is subject to special shipping regulations.


Wall Inspector Kit includes 10 VersaTrap Cassettes, 10 VersaTrap
Wall Adapters, Wall Adapter Rod, drill with bit, stud fi nder, moisture
meter, and carry case


SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy

SKC products are subject to the SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, which
provides SKC’s sole liability and the buyer’s exclusive remedy. To view the com-
plete SKC Limited Warranty and Return Policy, go to htt p://