2 alarm sequence/display module – Ronan X11SN User Manual

Page 8

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These terminals are located in the rear, lower
left corner of the chassis. There can only be
one master flasher in any synchronized chain.
All other system flashers must be placed in
the S position. Single system flashers must be
placed in the M position for proper alarm
sequence operation.

ISA option 2 provides an interlock to require
operation of the silence push button before
alarms can be acknowledged. This control is
located at the selectable header location
ISA2. In position 2, ISA option 2 is enabled.
Otherwise, the system can be acknowledged
at any time with ISA2 in the nonlabeled posi-
tion. Push-button flasher modules that do not
have a silence push button are permanently
configured in the nonlabeled position.

ISA option 3 provides an interlock to require
operation of the acknowledge push button
before alarms can be reset by the reset push
button. This interlock control is located at the
selectable header location ISA3. In position 3,
ISA option 3 is enabled. The nonlabeled posi-
tion will allow system reset at anytime.

Common Trouble Alarm operation is deter-
mined by the group alarm bus/CTA. This bus
feeds the flasher as an input and is available
to the user as an active low output at rear ter-
minal CA. This terminal is located in the rear,
lower left corner of the chassis. This output
can be controlled as normally energized/deen-
ergized at header location CTA.

In the NO position, the CA output will follow
the alarm card CTA designation. For example,
an alarm that follows the the field contacts
NDE (normally deenergized) will provide an
active V- output at CA when any field contact
is abnormal and the flasher CTA selection is
NO. The user could configure this particular
system as normally energized CA following
field contacts by putting the CTA switch in the
NC position.

Users who elect to have the automatic horn
silence option on Horn 1 configure the horn
time at header locations TADJ (time adjust-
ment) and TRNG (time range). The available
horn time ranges are 1 and 10 minutes.
These ranges are selected at the TRNG
header in the respective 1 and 10 positions.
Half-time and full time is selected at header
location TADJ in the respective L (low) and
H(high) positions. For example; 30 second
Horn 1 auto-silence is selected by placing
TRNG in position 1 and TADJ in position L.

The other available configurations are shown
in the table below.

Horn 1



Auto Silence



30 sec.



1 min.



5 min.



10 min.

All flashers have a maintenance required
relay that energizes on flasher failure or when
24 volts is applied at terminal block F3 in the
rear, lower left corner of the chassis. Flasher
failure occurs when either the fast or slow
flash signals are not available to the alarm
card bus. The relay contact is available to the
user on terminals F5 and F6. The Normally
open or closed status can be selected on the
flasher card at the header selector switch
MAIN as NO and NC respectively. Push-but-
ton flashers have an additional red MAINTE-
NANCE front panel LED that can additionally
follow the CTA or AL2 bus. This LED behavior
is permanently selected during initial order-
ing. The green POWER LED indicates when
24 volts is applied to system power.

Systems that occupy the flasher cabinet with
alarm points can specify up to two auxiliary
relays on the integral flasher card. Header
selector switches (RLYA, RLYB) are also on
the flasher card to determine the normally
open or closed status.

8.2 Alarm Sequence/Display Module

The module X11SN is offered in two separate
sequences as described in ANSI/ISAS18.1-
1979 (R1985). On PCB X11-1013C and X11-
1020, the operating sequence is selected as
labeled at respective headers SEQA-SEQD.
On the programmable version (PCB X11-
1019B), the sequence selection is made at
slide switch SEQ. Switches 1-4 are connect-
ed for field contacts FCA-FCD respectively.

J5 and J6 of PCB X11-1019B are used when
the field contact selectable time delay board
is ordered. The time delay selects 1 of 32 dif-
ferent time responses using switch TIME.
Each field contact can bypass this selection
using switch BYPASS. BYPASS switch posi-
tions 1-4 correspond to field contacts FCA-
FCD respectively and will have the nominal
20 ms. response when selected. Otherwise,