Electronics International FP-5L User Manual
Page 18

this alarm is 30 minutes’ worth of fuel (at cruise) for a VFR pilot or 45 minutes for an IFR pilot. In the
“REM” display mode a bar in the lower left corner of the display will be shown when the Second Low Fuel
Alarm Limit has been violated. Programming this alarm to “000” disables the alarm.
To program the First and Second Low Fuel Alarm Limits, perform the following steps:
A. Select the “USED” Display Mode.
B. Momentarily push both “PRG” buttons. A bar will appear in the
upper left corner of the display and the left digit will be blinking.
You are ready to program the 1st Low Fuel Alarm Limit.
C. Set the 1st and 2nd Low Fuel Alarm Limits using the following
a) Select a Digit - The Right and Left “PRG” buttons move the
blinking digit to the right or to the left.
b) Increase or Decrease a Digits Count - Moving the "STEP"
Switch to the right will increase the blinking digits count and moving it to the left will decrease the
blinking digits count.
c) Change Functions - The display will toggle between the First
and Second Low Fuel Alarm Limits by pushing the Right
"PRG" button with the right digit blinking or by pushing the
Left "PRG" button with the left digit blinking. The First Low
Fuel Alarm Limit is always displayed with a bar in the upper
left corner of the display and the Second Low Fuel Alarm
Limit is always displayed with a bar in the lower left corner
of the display.
d) To Exit - To exit the Pilot Programming Settings for the
"USED" Display Mode, momentarily push both “PRG” buttons
at the same time. The programmed values will be stored in
memory and no internal batteries or external power are
required to store this information for life.
4. Setting the Time to Empty Alarm and the Reoccurring Fuel Used Alarm in the "T. to E." Display Mode:
In the “T. to E.” display mode the following alarms may be set:
Time to Empty Alarm - The Time to Empty Alarm may be programmed to blink the Low Fuel Warning
LED when the Time to Empty calculated by the FP-5(L) reaches your programmed setpoint. Pushing any
button or switch will turn off the blinking LED. This limit may be set to remind you to switch tanks or when
a specified Time to Empty has been reached. In the “T. to E.” Display Mode a bar in the upper left corner of
the display will be shown when this limit has been violated. Programming this alarm to “0:00” disables the
Blinking Digit (0)
Blinking Digit (0)