Electronics International FP-5L User Manual
Page 12

c) To Exit - To exit the "Auto Calibration Mode", momentarily push both “PRG” buttons at the
same time. The new K Factor will be displayed for 3 seconds and the display will return to
blinking "Add." Most of the time you will want to enter the "Add Fuel Mode" after you have
performed an auto calibration (see "Add Fuel").
Note: After exiting the "Auto Calibrate Mode", the "Fuel Used Since Fill Up", "Fuel Used for the Flight" and the
"Fuel Remaining" values will be reset to 0.
4. Add Fuel:
If you have added fuel to the aircraft but have not filled the tanks, set the FP-5(L) "REM" value for the fuel
remaining shown on the FP-5, plus the fuel added to the tank(s) as shown on the fuel pump. If you have filled the
tank(s), set the FP-5(L) "REM" value for the total fuel in the tanks. There are two pre-programmed full fuel levels
you may recall automatically. It is important to verify the fuel levels in the tanks before takeoff.
To change the Fuel Remaining shown on the FP-5(L), perform the following steps:
A. Select the “REM” display mode (this
mode is displayed during power-up).
B. Momentarily push both "PRG" buttons at
the same time. The display will blink
C. Push either one of the “PRG” buttons.
The display will show the current fuel
remaining. The blinking left digit indi-
cates that you may program this digit first.
D. Set the Fuel Remaining Level using the
following procedure (if you have topped off the tank, see step "c)" below):
a) Select a Digit - The Right and Left “PRG” buttons move the blinking digit to the right or to the
b) Increase or Decrease a Digits Count - Moving the "STEP Switch" to the right will increase the
blinking digits count and moving it to the left will decrease the blinking digits count.
c) Call up a pre-programmed Fuel Level - If you push and hold the left "PRG" button, the display
will cycle between the two pre-programmed fuel levels (set during Power-Up Programming) and
the current fuel level every two seconds.
d) Exit - To exit the "Add Fuel Mode", momentarily push both “PRG” buttons at the same time.
The programmed value will be stored in memory and no internal batteries or external power are
required to store this information for life.
Fuel Remaining is one of the most important calculations the FP-5(L) can provide. The differences between
the flow transducers, elbows, fittings, pipe sizes, hoses and routing methods used during installation for any fuel
flow instrument can cause the flow transducer to output different electrical pulses per gallon (called K Factor)
Blinking Digit (0)
Step Switch increases
or decreases the value
of the blinking digit.
"Prg." buttons select
the blinking digit.