Electronics International FP-5L User Manual
Page 17

1. Setting the display for “Gal”, "br Gal", “Lbs” or "Ltr" in the "Flow" Display Mode:
In the "FLOW" Display Mode the FP-5(L) may be set to display Fuel Flow, Fuel Remaining and Fuel Used in
Gallons, British (Imperial) Gallons, Pounds or Liters.
To program the display, perform the following steps:
A. Select the “FLOW” Display Mode.
B. Momentarily push both “PRG” buttons. Either “Gal", "br Gal",
"Lbs" or “Ltr” will be shown in the display. You are ready to
program the FP-5(L) to display in Gallons, British (Imperial)
Gallons, Pounds or Liters.
C. Set the Display using the following procedure:
a) To change the display to "Gal", "br Gal", "Lbs" or "Ltr" - Moving the Mode Select Switch to the
left while pushing the left program button will alternate the display between "Gal", "br Gal",
"Lbs" and "Ltr".
b) To Exit - To exit the Pilot Programming Settings for the "FLOW" Display Mode, momentarily
push both “PRG” buttons at the same time. The programmed values will be stored in memory
and internal batteries or external power are not required to store this information for life.
2. Add Fuel and Auto Calibrate the K Factor:
This procedure was described previously in the “Display Modes and Operating Features” section of this
3. Setting the Two Low Fuel Alarms in the "Used" Display Mode:
In the "USED" Display Mode the following alarms may be set:
First Low Fuel Alarm - The First Low Fuel Alarm may be programmed to blink the "Low Fuel Warning"
LED when the fuel remaining reaches your programmed set point. Pushing any button or switch will turn off
the blinking LED. This limit is intended as a reminder. It may be set to remind you to switch tanks or when
a specified amount of fuel remaining in the tanks has been reached. A good point to use in setting this alarm
is at the 1/2 fuel remaining level. In the “REM” Display Mode a bar in the upper left corner of the display
will be shown when the 1st Low Fuel Alarm Limit has been violated. Programming this alarm to “000”
disables the alarm.
Second Low Fuel Alarm - The Second Low Fuel alarm may be programmed to blink the "Low Fuel Warn-
ing" LED when the fuel remaining reaches your programmed setpoint. Pushing any button or switch will stop
the blinking but the Low Fuel Warning LED will stay on. This limit is intended as an emergency warn-
ing. It should be set to the lowest acceptable or safe fuel level in the tanks. A good point to use in setting