Installation – Fulton Vertical Coil (FT-C_S) Thermal Fluid (hot oil) Heater User Manual
Page 22

© The Fulton Companies 2013
Adhere to the following for piping installation (see Figure 8):
1. Ensure the arrangement of the piping and its
appurtenances takes into consideration the location
of other structures and equipment adjacent to the
piping, which may result in freezing interference and/or
damage as a result of expansion, contraction, vibration,
or other movements.
2. Consider the appropriate location and orientation of
valves necessary for safe operation and isolation of the
piping. Valves are used in piping systems to stop and
start the fl ow of fl uids, to regulate fl ow, to prevent the
back fl ow, and to relieve excessive pressure build up in
the piping.
3. Ensure all piping and piping components are suitable
for the design temperatures, pressure and fl uid used in
the system.
4. Ensure all components exposed to thermal fl uid fl ow,
including pipe, valves, and screens, are not copper,
copper alloys, bronze, brass, aluminum, or cast iron.
Cast iron is porous to thermal fl uids, and copper and
aluminum act as catalysts in the degradation of some
thermal fl uids. Carbon or stainless steel, or ductile iron,
are recommended.
5. Ensure all pipework is constructed from seamless mild
steel pipe, conforming to ASME SA 106B or SA 53B,
Schedule 40, Schedule 80, or equal, based on design
temperature and pressure of the system.
1. Thermal Fluid Heater
2. Thermal Fluid Circulating Pump
3. Safety Relief Valve
4. Thermometer
5. Pressure Gauge
6. Thermal Fluid Heated Equipment
7. Bypass Valve
8. Expansion Joints
9. Anchor and Pipe Guides
10. Expansion Tank
11. Vent Piping
12. Deaerator Tank
13. Deaerator Tank Inlet (must be highest point of piping)
14. Thermal Buff er Tank
15. Catch tank (for drain of pressure relief valve, cold seal, expnasion tank, vent)
16. Valve
17. Strainer
18. 3/4” System Fill Connection
19. Flexible Connection
20. Isolating Valve
21. Manual Low Level Test Line
22. Manual High Level Test Line
23. Buff er Drain
Vent to atmosphere
in safe location