Penn-Century DP-4_4M User Manual
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First time use: New users are encouraged to practice with the device by loading a volume of inhalation
grade lactose that is similar to the volume they plan to use in their final study. Practicing using it in the
open air will give a sense of how fast and hard the plunger of the air syringe or Air Pump must be pushed
to produce a cloud of particles. If using the air syringe, it is necessary to first set the plunger using the
measurement marks on the syringe to deliver the proper volume setting for the animal to be used. The
user must push the plunger quickly and firmly to produce a cloud of particles. If using the Air Pump,
normal thumb pressure is sufficient and the thumb button will return to the start position automatically.
NOTE: The device is tested with inhalation grade lactose prior to shipping. Trace amounts of powder
may be on the device when first opened.
Characteristics of use with dry powder formulations: Penn-Century Dry Powder Insufflators™ have
been successfully used with a wide range of pharmaceutical, biologic and toxicological compounds. The
Penn-Century Dry Powder Insufflator™ does not filter or alter the powder formulation and can
accommodate a very wide range of powder particle sizes from nanoparticle formulations to large porous
particles. Dry powder formulations vary widely in their characteristics. Some powders may absorb
ambient humidity more rapidly than others. In such cases, the entire device may be loaded in a glove
bag to keep it from exposure to air. Once the device is loaded and the two halves are reattached,
exposure to air is very minimal.
Dose volume capacity of Model DP-4: The Model DP-4 is designed for precise administration of
powder doses in the range of 1-5 mg. For larger doses, the user may purchase a 100 mg Sample
Chamber Extension. Regardless of the dose capacity of the device, the dose is intended to be loaded
with one dose per use. It is not intended to be filled with a larger volume of powder in order to dose
smaller amounts to several animals in sequence
Dose volume capacity of Model DP-4M: The Model DP-4M is designed for precise administration of
powder doses in the range of 1-2 mg. It is intended to be loaded with one dose per use. It is not
intended to be filled with a larger volume of powder in order to dose smaller amounts to several animals
in sequence
Static electricity – Effect on powder sample: It is important to note that the device is made of non-
conductive materials which can build up a slight electrostatic charge that can interact with the powder
samples and cause the internal surfaces to acquire a light coating of powder. This coating can add a
milligram or more to the tare weight of the device. For this reason, the device should be loaded and
discharged several times before starting an experiment in order to allow electrostatic effects to become
saturated. Once the internal surfaces are coated, the device will be relatively stable gravimetrically. Tare
weight variations of the stabilized device are on the order of 50-100μg. It is not necessary to remove
all traces of powder between each use, as this may refresh the static properties of the
device. The optimal sample delivery efficiency is achieved (nearly 100% with lactose) after two or three
deliveries, when the static electrical effects have become saturated.
Quantifying dry powder dose delivery: Because the devices are light, it is possible to precisely
quantify the delivered dose, unlike passive exposure systems. To do this, the user must weigh the
device before and after loading, using a precision balance or scale.
Preparing to load the Dry Powder Insufflator™: The Model DP-4 and DP-4M each consist of two
halves: an Air Intake and the Sample Chamber. The Sample Chamber is the portion of the device that is
attached to the delivery tube. Separate the two parts with a simple “twist-and-pull” motion. On rare
occasions, the two halves may stick together and cannot be twisted apart. If this occurs, grasp the two
parts firmly with your finger tips close to the point where they meet and gently rock your hands up and
down in unison – as if you were attempting to break the device in half. This usually immediately releases
the two halves.