Penn-Century MIP User Manual
Penn-Century Health and hygiene

Mouse Intubation Platform (MIP)
Instructions for Use
Endotracheal intubation of anesthetized mice can pose challenges due to the animal’s small size and
unique anatomy and the difficulty in visualizing the epiglottis. Researchers performing intratracheal
aerosol administration to mice with Penn-Century’s unique MicroSprayer® Aerosolizer and Dry Powder
Insufflator™ face similar challenges. Having a platform especially designed for mouse intubation can
make the process far safer, faster and easier. The Penn-Century offers a Mouse Intubation Platform is
designed to assist researchers working with our intratracheal aerosol devices, or other intubation or
instillation procedures in mice. It is simple, durable, easy-to-use system for supporting the anesthetized
mouse securely during intubation and/or insertion of our aerosol delivery devices.
Solid Plexiglass®/Perspex® base and stainless steel support rod, attaches to any standard
laboratory clamp stand (not included)
Unique adjustable neck support can be swiveled to maximize view of the trachea.
Stainless steel posts with plastic “wire” maintain the anesthetized animal in the correct position
for intubation, suspended from the front incisors
Two fixed side posts and two adjustable posts permit the user hold the mouse securely in place