Penn-Century SC-X Dry Powder Insufflator User Manual
Penn-Century Health and hygiene

Dry Powder Insufflator ™ - Model DP-4 with 100 mg Sample Chamber Extension (SC-X)
The Sample Chamber Extension (SC-X) is a hollow tube, open at each end. It is designed to provide up to
100 mg of added capacity for large sample sizes. Firmly press-fit the grooved, wider end of the Extension to
the narrow end of the Sample Chamber, and load the powder sample. After loading, firmly press-fit the
narrow end of the Sample Chamber Extension into the Air Handler/Intake portion of the device. A standard
3 ml air syringe or Penn-Century Air Pump (AP-1) can then be inserted into the Air Handler to apply pulses
of air to the device. The device can be weighed before and after loading, and after dispensing one pulse of
air at a time to determine the average number of pulses required to expel 100% of the powder sample.
Final assembly
Penn-Century, Inc.
7670 Queen Street
Suite 200
Wyndmoor, PA 19038-8031 USA
215-753-6540 Tel
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