Penn-Century DP-4_4M User Manual
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Therefore, researchers should take into consideration that the optimal, most effective dose
range they can administer using a Penn-Century intratracheal drug delivery device may be
an amount that is far smaller or far larger than is possible within the limitations of standard
methods of pulmonary drug delivery in animal models. The user may need to investigate the
optimal dose range of their own formulation by increasing the dose in small increments to determine the
minimum or maximum effective dose, and to plan for doing so in their experimental design.
Determining deposition and distribution of powder in the lung
Use of all Penn-Century devices for intratracheal applications is essentially a form of intubation. The user must
insert the tip of the device gently down the trachea of the anesthetized animal, near to but not touching the
Particularly when working with small animals such as mice, some users may sacrifice several test
animals after use with imaging contrast material to determine if it has been well-distributed in the
lungs, or was mostly deposited in the trachea or swallowed.
Penn-Century also makes several helpful accessories, including a Small Animal Laryngoscope and a
Mouse Intubation Platform for helping users quickly and easily visualize the epiglottis and correctly
insert the tip of the delivery tube of the Dry Powder Insufflator™ for optimal results.