PASCO SF-8602A Magnetic Field Demonstrator User Manual
Magnetic field demonstrator, Instruction sheet for the pasco model sf-8602a

Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model SF-8602A
Magnetic Field Demonstrator
The Magnetic Field Demonstrator allows one to
demonstrate the pattern of electrons in a magnetic
field. A classic example would be Figure 1.
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teach physics
ways to
A number of interesting phenomenons may be demon-
strated by means of the Magnetic Field Demonstrator
kit, such as magnetic fields with several layers (Fig. 2),
the magnetic field of the earth (Fig 3) and the magne-
tizing process (Figs 4&5).
In the latter experiment, 4 plates are stacked and their
combined 376 magnetic pins represent elementary
magnets in a demagnetized piece of steel. A bar
magnet is drawn over the plates and the magnetic pins
then form a unidirectional field pattern with North and
South poles (Fig 5). Test with a magnetic needle. By
shaking or knocking the "magnet" it becomes demag-
netized and the magnetic pins (elementary magnets)
form a random pattern (Fig 4).
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4
Figure 5