Page 14

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The Visible Stirling Engine



If the LCD thermometer is black it means that the
temperature of the thermometer is out of the range of the
thermometer. Either the temperature is above 86°F
(30°C) or below 61°F (16°C). The thermometer is not
damaged by this at all and will again indicate colors when
the temperature returns to its operating range.

The Thermometer Shows 86° But the
Engine Still Does Not Run

Operation of Stirling engines is dependent on a tempera-
ture difference. If the engine was running on hot water
and the thermometer now shows a temperature of 86° it is
likely that there is no longer a temperature difference of
40°F or more. This is a normal condition. Reheat the
water (boiling is acceptable) and start the engine again.

How to Get A FREE Book

If you have any experiments that you feel should be
included in the next edition of this manual, we would love
to hear from you. If we use your experiment in the next
edition of the manual we will give you a Free copy of
“Introduction to Stirling Engines” by Jim Senft. Write up
your experiment and mail it to

Magic Motor Company
1945 N. Rock Rd. Suite
1012 Wichita, KS 67206



This type of Stirling engine is relatively new. The first
Stirling engine ever built to run on small temperature
differences was built in 1983 by Ivo Colin of the Univer-
sity of Zagreb in what was then Yugoslavia.

Jim Senft, a mathematics professor at the University of
Wisconsin River Falls, built engines that substantially
improved on those built by Ivo Colin. This engine is a
follow up design to those built by Jim Senft. The concept
for this engine was created by Darryl Phillips of the
Airsport Corporation, Sallisaw Oklahoma. The detail
design and engineering was done by Brent H. Van
Arsdell of the Magic Motor Company.

More STIRLING Information

Additional information on Stirling engines is available

Stirling Machine World [ Brad Ross, Editor]
1823 Hummingbird Court
West Richland, WA 99353 9542


Stirling Machine World publishes a quarterly newsletter.
Additional books and video tapes on Stirling engines are
also available.