For best-possible resolution, Sampling rate and impulse measurement, Safety – PASCO CI-6461 Force Platform User Manual
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M o d e l N o . C I - 6 4 6 1
S a f e t y
in the Experiment Setup window. (Click the Setup button to open the window.) For
more instructions on using DataStudio, press F1 to open DataStudio's on-line help.
For Best-possible Resolution
The ScienceWorkshop 750 Interface uses 8x oversampling to improve resolution at
lower sampling rates. To take advantage of oversampling, set the sampling rate to 100
Hz or less.
For measuring a static or slowly changing force, set the sampling rate to 100
Hz and create this calculation (or similar) in the DataStudio calculator:
Force = avgfilter(10, F)
Define the variable F as the force measurement from the sensor. In this
example, the calculation reduces the number of data points and improves the
resolution by a factor of 10 (as determined by the first argument of the
avgfilter function).
Sampling Rate and Impulse Measurement
The model CI-6461 Force Platform updates its analog output once every 6 ms, there-
for the fastest practical sampling rate is about 200 Hz. This rate is fast enough to
accurately measure longer-duration impulses such as that of a person jumping. To
measure the impulse of a bouncing ball, the impulse should last at least 30 ms. Use a
soft or under-inflated ball that will stay in contact with the platform for as long as pos-
sible with each bounce.
Teachers: The Force Platform is designed for use by students under the supervision of a
teacher. Ensure that all users understand and follow these guidelines when jumping or step-
ping on the platform.
Do not stand on or jump off tables, chairs, or other inappropriate objects.
Before you jump or step on the platform, be certain that it will not skid or move
and that you will land with your foot or feet entirely on the platform, not hanging
over the edge.
Use the platform away from objects that may interfere with your movements or
injure you if you fall.
Follow all other safety rules and guidelines that apply to you.