PASCO OS-8472 Dynamics Optics Carriage User Manual
Dynamics optics carriage, Introduction, Component assembly

Dynamics Optics Carriage
In s tr u c ti o n S h e e t
0 1 2 - 0 9 3 9 4B
The PASCO Dynamics Optics Carriage allows you to use a
dynamics track as an optics bench. The carriage works with
any aluminum PASCO dynamics track and with Basic Optics
components such as lens holders, light sources, and viewing
Component Assembly
Most Basic Optics components, including the OS-8471
Adjustable Lens Holder, snap into the wide central channel of
the carriage; the OS-8470 Light Source snaps onto the two
outer channels of the carriage. Center the component on top of
the carriage and push down to snap it in place.
Older-style components such as the metal viewing screen and
the bracket of the OS-8517A Light Source include a thumb-
screw and square nut for attachment to the central T-slot of the
carriage. Insert the thumbscrew through the hole at the base of
the component and thread it part-way into the nut (the end of
the screw should not protrude through the nut). Slide the nut
into one end of the carriage’s T-slot and tighten the thumb-
Adjustable Lens Holder
Light Source
Component attached
to central T-slot