Repeat steps 6-7 for the new tension, Equipment setup to determine resonance frequency – PASCO WA-9854 Economy Wave Driver User Manual

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Economy Wave Driver


7. Record both the frequency and wavelength in a data table.

8. Increase the tension by pulling down on the mass until a new

standing wave pattern is formed.

9. Repeat steps 6-7 for the new tension.

10. Increase the tension four more times, each time recording the

frequency and wavelength in the data table.

11. Use your data and the general wave equation (v = ƒ

λ) to determine

the velocity for each tension.

12. What relationship exists between wave speed and tension?

Equipment Setup to Determine Resonance


The Sine Wave Generator (or any function generator) can be used to
vary the wave frequency while holding the string tension constant.

1. Tie one end of the elastic cord to a table clamp or ring stand

2. Place the wave driver on a tabletop and pass the elastic cord

through the grove on the post.

3. Tie the other end to a mass and hang the cord over a pulley or table


4. Set the frequency to 1 Hz and increase slowly until the

fundamental (1/2 wave) frequency is determined. Record the
frequency and wavelength in a data table.