PASCO ME-9457 Variable Friction Cart Accessory Kit User Manual
Variable friction cart accessory kit, Instruction sheet for the pasco model me-9457
Instruction Sheet
for the PASCO
Model ME-9457
Variable Friction Cart Accessory Kit
The PASCO Model ME-9457 Variable Friction Cart
Accessory allows the user to modify their existing
PASCO Model ME-9430 Dynamics Cart by attaching
a variable friction mechanism. When the accessory is
incorporated into the cart, greater flexibility in experi-
ments can be obtained.
Equipment Included
• One Friction Cart End Cap
• One 1/4-20 X 5cm inch black nylon thumbscrew.
• One spring steel strip. On one end of the spring steel
strip is a Velcro loop pad; on the other end a piece of
adhesive foam tape.
• Two 6-32 X 9.5mm thread forming screws.
Additional Equipment Required:
• #1 Phillips point screw driver
Setup Procedure:
Remove the end cap (that does not have a plunger)
from your Dynamics Cart. See Figure 1.
➤ NOTE: The screws that secure the end cap to
the end of the Dynamics Cart are thread forming
screws and may require substantial force to re-
move and reinstall. A #1 Phillips point screw
driver is required.
© 1992 PASCO scientific
This instruction sheet written/edited by: D. Griffith
Screws (2)
Standard End
Figure 1 End Cap Removal