Using the force platform with the xplorer glx, Safety, Suggested activities – PASCO PS-2141 Force Platform User Manual
Page 3: Hang time, Vertical impulse

M o d e l N o . P S - 2 1 4 1
S a f e t y
in units of newtons (N). You can change these settings in the Experiment Setup win-
dow. (Click the Setup button to open the window.) In the Setup window you can also
make the separate force measurement of each beam visible. For more instructions on
using DataStudio, press F1 to open DataStudio's on-line help.
Using the Force Platform with the Xplorer GLX
If you are using an Xplorer GLX without a computer, press
to start data collec-
tion. By default, the platform collects data at 10 samples per second and displays it in
units of newtons (N). You can change these settings in the Sensors screen. (From the
Home screen, press
to open the Sensors screen.) In the Sensors screen you can
also make the separate force measurement of each beam visible. For more instruc-
tions on using the Xplorer GLX, refer to the GLX Users' Guide.
Teachers: The Force Platform is designed for use by students under the supervision of a
teacher. Ensure that all users understand and follow these guidelines when jumping or step-
ping on the platform.
Do not stand on or jump off tables, chairs, or other inappropriate objects.
Before you jump or step on the platform, be certain that it will not skid or move
and that you will land with your foot or feet entirely on the platform, not hanging
over the edge.
Use the platform away from objects that may interfere with your movements or
injure you if you fall.
Follow all other safety rules and guidelines that apply to you.
Suggested Activities
Hang Time
Stand on the platform and jump vertically. Look at a graph of
force versus time to determine your “hang time,” or how much
time you spend in the air. Is you hang time related to how high
you jump? What other factor affect hang time?
For more precise time measurements, use a higher sampling
Vertical Impulse
Use a motion sensor (PS-2103) to measure the position and
velocity of the top your head as you jump on the platform.
What is your measured vertical velocity at the moment your
feet leave the platform? If you assume that you are a point
mass, does this velocity correspond with your measured hang
time? Why not?
Stand on the platform and press the tare button. Bend your
knees and jump with one smooth motion. The area under the
Motion Sensor