Operation – PASCO ME-9498A Photogate Head User Manual

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P h o t o g a t e H e a d

ME-9 49 8A


The Photogate Head can be attached to the PASCO SA-9242
Pulley Mounting Rod. This 14 cm long (6 in) by 9.5 mm (3/8 in)
diameter rod fits into the 1/4-20 threaded hole in the photogate
housing opposite the side of the small rod clamp..

The open space for the Photogate Head is 7.5 cm wide and 4.2
cm deep.

The Photogate Head can be mounted on a support rod of up to
12.7 millimeter (1/2 in) in diameter by attaching a PASCO
ME-8744 Adjustable Angle Clamp. It is necessary to remove
the “"mobile" part of the adjustable angle clamp from the clamp
assembly and secure the “fixed” part of the clamp assembly to
the 1/4-20 threaded hole in the photogate housing opposite the
side of the small rod clamp. Rotate the equipment to the correct
orientation and then secure it with the locking knob on the
clamp assembly.

The Photogate Head can also be attached to the side of a
PASCO Track with a ME-9806 Photogate Bracket (set of 2).
Slide the square nut on the Photogate Bracket into the T-slot on
the side of the PASCO Track. It is necessary to remove the small
rod clamp from the Photogate Head. (Save the clamp assembly
for later use.)

Use the short thumbscrew from the bracket assembly for attach-
ing the photogate to the mounting bracket.


1. Attach the Photogate Head to a support rod, clamp, or

mounting bracket.

2. Position the photogate so the object to be timed will pass

through the photogate, blocking the infrared beam. To min-
imize parallax error, pass the object as close to the infrared
detector as possible, with the line of travel perpendicular to
the beam. Loosen the small rod clamp thumbscrew to
change the angle or height of the photogate.

3. Plug the RJ12 phone plug from the cable assembly into the

modular phone jack on the photogate housing.

4. Plug the stereo phone plug at the other end of the cable

assembly into the timer, adapter, or interface.

5. Test the operation of the photogate by watching the LED on

the photogate as the beam is blocked.


Mounting Rod



Threaded Hole

Width = 7.5 cm

Depth =

4.2 cm

Adjustable Angle Clamp


Support Rod (up to 12.7 mm diameter)


Threaded Hole

Locking Knob


Photogate Bracket



Photogate Head





ASSEMBLY NO.003-06268

LED is on when

beam is blocked

Infrared Beam

Small Rod



Phone Plug


Phone Plug

Photogate Stand


6.2 mm (1/4 in)

diameter rod

