Mirion Technologies M555 Spyrometer User Manual
Imaging systems, Ist-quadtek, M555 spyrometer

M555 SpyroMETEr
Patented High Temperature Pyrometer Camera
The IST-Quadtek
, with its patented combi-
nation of a color video camera and a scanning pyrometer,
gives the operator the ability to see process conditions
while measuring the temperature of virtually any area in the
field of view. The M555 imaging pyrometer takes the video
image and the temperature information, multiplexes it and
sends it, via coaxial cable, to the image processor in the
control room and displays it on a VGA monitor. Onscreen
temperature measurement data is also accessible through
4-20mA outputs which can easily be interfaced to your
control system.
imaging systems
A Mirion Technologies Division
rotary Kilns
Monitor cement and lime kiln product and
temperatures. See potential kiln upsets early.
Interface temperatures to your DCS.
View for flame impingement and product flow.
Accurately measure refractory temperatures.
Fossil Utility Boilers
Observe flame shape and temperature of
each burner. Assign a temperature cursor to
each flame to aid in controlling NOx levels.
Steel reheat Furnaces
See areas of non-uniform heating and adjust
product speed or combustion accordingly.
Position temperature cursors to accommodate
size and shape of the load.