Mirion Technologies EDIS-1 User Manual
Health physics, Edis-1

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
EDIS-1 Environmental Direct Ion Storage Dosimeter
Passive Dosimetry
direct measurement of H*(10) over the
entire energy range
instant non-destructive readout and dose reset
with a table-top reader
passive operation
insensitive to EM and RF interference
operation at high dose rates and in pulsed fi elds
built-in memory chip for measurement
location identifi cation storage
small, rugged and waterproof
a replacement to TLD and fi lm
up to 12 month issue period
Environmental Direct Ion Storage Dosimeter
The new RADOS EDIS-1 is an Environmen-
tal Direct Ion Storage Dosimeter off ering an
alternative to TLD or fi lm dosimeter.
The EDIS-1 dosimeter is based on an ionisation
chamber combined with a modern electronic
Direct Ion Storage (DIS) memory cell. The Ion
chamber is widely used as a reference detec-
tor in radiation detection and is now available in
everyday dosimetry applications. The EDIS-1
dosimeter can be read infi nitely and non-
destructively without any loss of dose informa-
tion. This unique feature allows the user of the
EDIS-1 to instantly read environmental doses
whenever necessary.
The radiological range of the EDIS-1 covers the
entire H*(10) photon energies without any com-
promises. The wide dose and energy range, the
ability to operate in pulsed fi elds and the perfor-
mance at high dose rates make EDIS-1 an ideal
device for all kinds of radiation dosimetry appli-
cations. The EDIS-1 allows for the detection of
heavy, high-energy ions and its immunity to any
external interference is unequalled. There are no
deviations in the dose readings even at very high
EM or RF fi elds.
The excellent radiological features and the easy
and fast reading of the EDIS-1 dosimeter makes
the new DIS based RADOS dosimetry system
superior to any Film dosimetry or TLD system
without the need for complicated processing