Mirion Technologies IRD-2000 User Manual
Health physics, Ird 2000, Irradiator for dosimeter source checking

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
IRD 2000
Active Dosimetry - Calibrator
IRD 2000
Irradiator for Dosimeter Source Checking
This irradiator has been developed to be used by
organisations using signifi cant quantities of
The IRD 2000 is used for periodic control in NPPs,
Defense departments...with a capability of up to 90
dosimeters (one irradiator) to 150 units (double irra-
diators) per hour. This tool is a standard production
The IRD 2000 has the fl exibility to also use a Sr 90
source to check the beta response in the DMC
2000XB in addition to the standard gamma response
Simultaneous checking of 3 or 6 dosimeters,
90 to 150 checks per hour.
Dosimeter source check or recalibration
Automatic operation:
- User operation limited to dosimeter insertion and removal
- Automated measurement acquisition
- Automated effi ciency calculation and load
Database with full traceability
shielded source, very low external radiation
Single or double irradiators on same PC