Mirion Technologies NGM 204S User Manual
Radiation monitoring systems, Ngm 204 s, Low range noble gas monitor
radiation monitoring
A Mirion Technologies Division
NGM 204S
Particulate, Gas & Iodine Monitors
NGM 204 S
Low Range Noble Gas Monitor
The NGM 204S monitor from the RAMSYS product
line has been developed to sample air in discharge
stacks or ventilation ducts. The dual silicon diode
detector integrated in a 4 π/5 cm (4 π/2 in) lead
shielded sample volume guarantees high reliability of
the measurements. The fi rst silicon diode detects the
beta/gamma radiation from sample volume and the
gamma ambient radiation (background). The second
one detects gamma radiation from the sample vo-
lume and the gamma ambient radiation. This allows
noble gas beta measurement with dynamic gamma
compensation by the processing algorithm.
• Effl uent release monitoring
Stacks, etc.
• Radioprotection of workers
Containment atmosphere
Control room air, etc.
• Post-accident operations
Containment atmosphere
Stacks, etc.
• NGM 204L: “light” version
• PING 206S: version with particulate and iodine
• PNG 206S: version with particulate
• PIS 203S: accident range particulate and iodine
• NGM 203S: high range noble gas monitor
Dynamic gamma radiation compensation
Calculation of the total released activity through a stack
fl ow rate signal provided
Compact and reliable
1E qualifi cation and embedded safety related software
RG 1.97 compliance
Available under 10 CFR 50 App. B, IEC 61226 and
ASME NQA-1 programs for safety related application