Mirion Technologies PM 205S User Manual
Radiation monitoring systems, Pm 205s
radiation monitoring
A Mirion Technologies Division
PM 205S
Particulate, Gas & Iodine Monitors
PM 205S
Beta Particulate Monitor
The PM 205S monitor forms part of the RAMSYS
product line. It has been developed to continuously
measure the volumetric activity of a radioactive
gaseous sample containing particulates. The sample
is drawn from discharge stacks, reactor building, ven-
tilation ducts or working areas via a pumping system.
It is then admitted into a detection unit where the
particulates are trapped on a fi lter. It is typically used
for monitoring particulate volumetric activity under
normal operating and mild-environment conditions.
This monitor can operate as a stand alone device or
in conjunction with an iodine monitor (IM 201), and/or
noble gas monitors (NGM 203, NGM 204, NGM 214,
NGM 216) to form a complete monitoring system.
• Effl uent release monitoring
• IM 201S: iodine monitor
• NGM 203S: high range noble gas monitor
• NGM 204S: low range noble gas monitor
• NGM 214S: low range beta noble gas monitor
• NGM 216S: low range beta noble gas monitor
1E qualifi cation and embedded safety related software
Available under 10 CFR 50 App. B, IEC 61226 and
ASME NQA-1 programs for safety related application