Mirion Technologies TK 250 User Manual
Page 2

Functional tests of TK 250 measuring channels in
connection with detectors and output periphery may
be performed on different levels with automatic or
remote operated procedures.
On the base level (1) there is a number of continu-
ous self checks of hardware and software in the
measuring channel. The goal is detecting drifts and
faults very early and verfying the original status of the
software originally type tested. The internal supply
voltage and the detector supply voltage, the detector
signal, the memory for data, parameters and pro-
gram, the data transfers on the internal S-bus, the
execution to the program and some other features
are subject of the continuous self checks. Faults will
cause an alarm status signal and the reason can be
checked in the status column of the menu table.
Signal processing has to be
adapted to the individual appli-
cation by adjustable parameters,
like time constant or calibration
factor. Additionally, all measur-
ing values may be monitored by
adjustable alarm thresholds, and
may be used for linear or loga-
rithmic output signals.
Measuring values and param-
eters are organized in two columns of the menu table.
There are other columns, one to activate all the test
procedures and another to show the status informa-
tions of the channel. The 2-line LCD and the keys of
the main processor board NZ 12 enables the access
to all positions of the menu table.
The operator has two different possiblities for the
access to system TK 250 signal processing channels,
either manual via display and function keys on the
front panel of the main processor board NZ 12 or via
the data interface with an external PC. Also during an
operator’s dialog the continuous signal processing
functions are not interrupted. Thus, without external
tools, reading of all measuring values, parameters
and status informations is possible in parallel to the
normal signal processing. Modifi cations of para-
meters and activation of test procedures also may
be done on the menu table using the keys, but these
functions are locked and can be
enabled the key switches on the
board NS 01.
TK 250
Signal Processing