Mirion Technologies DAK 250 User Manual

Radiation monitoring systems, Dak 250, Digital start-up channel

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radiation monitoring


A Mirion Technologies Division

DAK 250

Neutron Flux Instrumentation

DAK 250

Digital Start-up Channel

The DAK 250 digital start-up range channel forms

part of the proTK™ product line. It has been designed

for neutron fl ux monitoring in the pulse and inter-

mediate range in combination with pulse detectors,

e.g. BF3-counters and neutron ionization chambers.

Hardware and software of the DAK 250 are designed

and qualifi ed for applications at the level of the reac-

tor protection system.


• Operational process monitoring

Safety related signal processing for neutron fl ux

monitoring in the pulse range (DAK 250-i) and

intermediate range (DAK 250-g)


• Neutron detectors: e.g. BF3-counters and

ionization chambers KNK/KNU 50

• Digital signal processing channels: e.g. for wide

range or power range monitoring


Signal fi ltering with adaptive time constant

Calibration to neutron fl ux signal (nv, P/Pn)

Calculation of the fl ux change rate (reciprocal of the

reactor period)

Generation of analog and binary signals for the reactor

protection system

Linear and/or logarithmic analog outputs

Remote test signal generators

Optional: calculation of the reactor reactivity