Mirion Technologies SpiR-ID User Manual
Health physics, Spir-id, Format a4

Format A4
Health Physics
health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
Detection & Identification - Risks Prevention
Handheld Detection and Identification
The SpiR-ID is a rugged handheld device designed to
efficiently search for radioactive materials and “on the
fly” threat discrimination, such as illicit trafficking and
Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs).
It quickly and reliably identifies and categorizes radio-
nuclides even for demanding scenarios including
heavily shielded or masked threat thanks to a large
volume detector associated with the Identpro/SIA
algorithm specifically designed for Homeland Security
Detection and Identification performance exceeds all
ANSI N42-34 requirements.
Rugged construction and simple routine user mode
are suited for field use in harsh environments.
The SpiR-ID can be used for mobile surveys or for
portal alarm assessment.
It is ideally suited for all applications that require
efficient detection, search and identification of
radiological threats, including military, civil defense,
border & customs.
Real-time continuous identification due to
large detector and unique algorithm
Homeland Security and Nuclear accident libraries
Reliable ID of shielded/mixed /masked complex
Overpasses of a factor of 10 the ANSI N42-34 (2006)
ID time or level requirements
Fully automated self stabilization
Continuous operation under severe environmental
conditions such as extreme temperature shocks
Rugged aluminum case
Easy user interface, instant ID pop-up, sound or voice
GPS integrated, mapping companion software included
External contamination probe
• SpiR-ID NaI
• SpiR-ID LaBr