Mirion Technologies TwoStep-Exit II User Manual
Health physics, Rados twostep™-exit ii

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
RADOS TwoStep™-Exit II
Whole Body Contamination Monitor
• Very easy maintenance due to new electronic
concept, new detector technology, new hardware
• Fibre detectors
• much reduced operation and maintenance cost
• decreased dead-zones
• gas-free
• central photomultiplier
• Touch screen
• Mini-UPS (uninterruptable power supply)
• Optimized measurement geometry
• Improved operation in noisy electronic environments
and increased gamma background
rADOs Twostep™-exit II
Whole Body Contamination Monitor
Handling radioactive materials may cause contami-
nation. Our CheckPoint:Body™ monitors are
designed to thoroughly check all persons entering or
leaving a particular area, building or site. Typically, the
monitors are deployed between controlled and clean
The TwoStep
concept has been proven in genera-
tions of RADOS body monitors to be the optimum
method to measure whole body contamination.
The new electronic concept paired with proven fibre
detectors provide a highly efficient measurement
chain. The light signal produced by the detector
will be turned into an electronic signal in the central
photomultiplier box and thereafter reach the PC for
calculation and subsequent processing.
Benefits are simple & economic operation and
maintenance, particularly in comparision to standard
-Exit II is the product of development at
the cutting edge of technology, based on years of
experience in developing and building body monitors.