Mirion Technologies MCU Mobile Change Unit User Manual
Page 4

Health Physics
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Technical specifications Mobile Change unit (MCu)
Family member
e.g. TwoStep™-Exit
e.g. RTM661/300
Industrial PC, Hard disc, CD-RW Disc drive, LC Display, IR Keyboard with mouse,
Printer interface, USB device, Speech processor
All facility installations will be built to order. Standard installations:
3 hand basin, 3 water tap with autostop, 3 soap dispenser, 3 hand dryer (fan), water heater,
electrical heating, air conditioning, operator chair and table
Option: telecoms equipment
Power requirements
240/400 V 63.0 A 50 Hz
(see also figure)
Entrance container
Exit container
Overall weight
6058 x 2438 x 2896 mm
6058 x 2438 x 2896 mm
approx. 11,100 kg (4,100 kg + 7,000 kg)
Transport features
Both containers of the Mobile Change Unit have to be transported separately. Each container can be moved by
an adequate crane or fork lift truck.
Each container provides 4 lifting accessories at the upper vertices for lifting via crane and 2 forklift tubes for lift-
ing via fork lift truck. On final destination of Mobile Change Unit a foundation has to be provided.
Foundation requirements
A concrete foundation of a planar surface of minimum foot print of approx. 5.4 m x 6.6 m has to be prepared. It
should withstand a surface pressure of approx. 200 kN/m
. Alternatively the foundations can consist of 6 level
concrete cubes.
Water connections
Required connections:
Cold water supply (please specify interface dimension requirements)
Waste water to active drainage (please specify interface requirements)
RADOS Mobile Change Unit
Mobile Contamination Monitoring Suite
6058 cm
4876 cm
2400 cm