Entry – Mirion Technologies MCU Mobile Change Unit User Manual

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TwoStep™-Exit II


InTrODuCIng The rADOs MObIle ChAnge unIT

The RADOS Mobile Change Unit combines the advances
in Fibre™ - and plastic-detector technology with
conventional change room installations in a modular
solution designed to fit the fast changing conditions
of projects typical for nuclear decommissioning or
emergency response.

feat. RADOS TwoStep™-Exit II

Designed to check for beta and optional gamma
contamination on personnel leaving the controlled
areas of nuclear facilities. The gas-less TwoStep™-
Exit II is product development at the cutting edge of
technology, based on years of experience in building
body monitors. It utilizes advances in BetaFibre™
and GammaFibre™ detector technology paired with
a radical redesign of monitor geometry. A monitor
setting new standards using unique technology.

feat. RADOS RTM661/300

One of the main members of the compact and
stand alone clearance monitor family with integrated
electronics for the measurement of contamination on
small items and other parts. It features a front door
for the loading/unloading and an additional back
door with an interlocking front and back door system.
The interlock mechanism is designed to prevent the
export of items above a pre-set activity limit from the
controlled area.

The value in the RADOS Mobile Change Unit is in the
modular nature of the unit, which can be transported
from site to site with minimal effort. Two containers,
which are used for the Mobile Change Unit, can be
moved by crane or fork lift truck. Installation consists
of lining up the containers on the previously prepared
foundations, fastening the linkage, sealing the gaps,
connecting the supplies and taking the monitors into
operation. Two people can easily do these works in a
single shift.

Mobile Change room features

• 2 off CheckPoint:Body™ (eg TwoStep™-Exit II)
• 1 off CheckPoint:Waste™ (eg RTM661/300)
• Air conditioning and heating system
• Water saving taps, soap dispensers and hand dryers
• Health Physics desk + optional telecommunication


Walking through the RADOS Mobile Change Unit is

as simple as through any controlled area exit .

In fact there is no difference.
