Mirion Technologies RD-02_RD-02L Intelligent Detectors User Manual
Health physics, Rd-02 & rd-02l

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
RD-02 & RD-02L Intelligent Detectors
Detection and Identifi cation
for environmental gamma monitoring
compact construction
measurement range from 0.01 µSv/h to 10 Sv/h
temperature range from -40°C to +70°C
internal memory bank for 864 dose rate values
adjustable measurement parameters and dose
rate alarm levels
data transmission via telephone, short haul and
radio modem
watertight, EMP and RF-resistant enclosure with
compatible with AAM-95 environmental
monitoring software
RD-02 & RD-02L
Intelligent Detectors
The RD-02 is the heart of the RADOS
environmental monitoring system. The system
can be anything from a small in-house monitoring
station to a country wide monitoring network with
hundreds of detectors. The RD-02 allows the use
of large variety of diff erent communication means
to build the online early warning environmental
monitoring network. Due to the intelligent
operation method, communication expenses can
be minimized.
The RADOS AAM Area Monitoring System is
a general purpose area radiation monitoring
system, intended for automatic detection and
monitoring of gamma and X-ray radiation, for
receiving alarms, for storing measurement data
and for altering probe parameters.
The AAM system is fully automatic,
expandable up to 1000 probes and with a large
variety of applications and it is operational in the
most stringent ambient conditions
The communication network between the
System Computer and the Measuring Sta-
tions can be built using fi xed telephone lines,
switched telephone network, radio links or a
combination of these.