Mirion Technologies DMC 2000GN User Manual

Health physics, Dmc 2000gn, Personal electronic dosimeter

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health physics

A Mirion Technologies Division


DMC 2000GN

Active Dosimetry - Dosimeters

DMC 2000GN

Personal Electronic Dosimeter

The DMC 2000GN takes advantage of a unique

licensed neutron detection technology based on a large

single diode. The full energy range of thermal, interme-

diate and high energy neutrons is covered with a high

sensitivity and very good gamma rejection, tested up to

6 MeV.

In addition, the gamma detection technology, identical

to the proven solution of the DMC 2000S, allows to

measure the gamma dose from 50 keV to over 6 MeV

gamma range with a unique linearity to over 10 Sv/h.


MGP Instruments offers a range of products which can

be used with the DMC 2000GN to create integrated

dosimetry systems including:

LDM 220, LDM 230 proximity readers

LDM 2000 pass-by data exchange

DOSISERV dosimetry centralization and access

control software

DOSIMASS dosimeter confi guration software

DOSICARE and DOSIFAST operational dosimetry


IRD 2000 irradiator for dosimeters


The DMC 2000GN is a gamma and neutron detection

dosimeter featuring dose rate and programmable alarms.

The DMC 2000GN is user friendly, lightweight and


Full neutron energy range coverage

Very good gamma rejection in neutron channel

Audible and visual alarms

Very large autonomy

Hand free communication, pass-by exchange

Fully compatible with DMC 2000 hand free readers and

