4 configuration parameters, 1 datapoint types, 2 factory standard calibration – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53IT5100B Micro-DCI 4-Channel Indicator Totalizer User Manual
Page 33: 3 configuring the database modules, Configuration parameters, Atapoint, Ypes, Actory, Tandard, Alibration

53IT5100B Indicator/Totalizer
The configuration parameters provide the latitude to define the instrument’s personality attributes, so that
while still functioning within its designed specifications, it can perform application requirements with greater
refinement. Typical configuration parameters are the instrument’s indicator zero point and span, the display
tag names, engineering units of the displayed process value, and alarm limits, etc. IT IS NOT NECESSARY
TO DEFINE ALL OF THE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS, as commonly used preset values may not
have to be altered and certain parameter selections eliminate others.
Although all resident in a memory database as datapoints, the configuration parameters are clustered into
modular groups that may have specific hardware identities (e.g., the ANI, ANO, CCI, and CCO circuits
illustrated in Figures 4-1 through 4-4), or may represent software controlled functions that are not specific to
any one hardware element.
4.1 Datapoint Types
A parameter can be any one of five data types. Each data type represents a specific data format:
integers, alphanumeric text strings, etc. A database module containing multiple parameters can
have a mix of data types. The data types are defined in Table 4-1 as follows:
Table 4-1. Datapoint Types
Type Byte
1 Bit Represents a single binary bit that can have the value of 0 or 1.
Represents a positive integer with values from 0 to 255.
Represents a real analog (floating point) value that has a resolution of one part in
32,768 (15 bits) and a dynamic range of ± 10
Represents a high precision analog (floating point) value that has a resolution of
one part in 2 billion (31 bits) and a dynamic range of ± 10
Represents a text string that can be 10 characters long.
4.2 Factory Standard Calibration
The instrument is shipped from the factory configured with all parameters set to the default values. The
default values are listed in the parameter tables under the heading Default. The gray-tone shading in a
default cell of a parameter indicates the contents of the datapoint are left unchanged after the database is
returned to the default condition using the procedure described in Section 5.5. Examples of datapoints
unaltered by default are the Calibrate Zero and Calibrate Span parameters which are factory set.
4.3 Configuring the Database Modules
The datapoints in the database modules must be changed to reflect required alterations in the factory
standard configuration or when the instrument is re-configured. There are generally four datapoint parameter
types contained in the eight database modules. The parameter types affect Datalink communications, display
indications, input-output signals, and alarm conditions. The eight database modules are described in Table 4-
2. Although it is not an absolute criterion, it is assumed the modules will be configured in the table Item order;
however, if the instrument is to be connected to a Datalink network, item 7, Communication Module, should
be configured first. By configuring the Communication Module first, the instrument can function on the
Datalink and the remaining datapoint values can be entered via the Datalink interrogator (master). Reference
the applicable instruction bulletin (e.g., IB 53HC3300, IB53WS5000, or IB 53SU5000) for the procedure.
Table 4-2 is also a pointer to the descriptions of the database modules; the descriptions are presented
as Tables 4-3 through 4-10. (The gray tone shading in the default cell of a datapoint indicates the datapoint
contents are left unchanged after default. See Section 5.5 for the default procedure.)