0 microlink network management – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 MicroLink User Manual

Page 19

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The MicroLink nodes include various facilities for testing and maintaining the network.


The SUPERVISOR-PC unit Configuration Panel (IB 53SU5000, Section 5) has been enhanced to
show the current state of each node on a MicroLink network. The instrument address of each ac-
cessible node on the MicroLink network is shown on the network grid. If the number is displayed in
white it indicates that the node is only accessible on Network A. If the number is displayed in yel-
, then the node is only accessible in Network B. If the number is displayed in cyan, the node is
accessible on both networks.

Alarm messages are generated if a node’s accessibility changes on either network. The normal
INSXX UP/DOWN alarms have be augmented to show a B if the change occurred on Network B.


The Process Control Station provides MicroLink network status information as follows:

The System Status Display (Display 2), shows the MicroLink mode and instrument address of the
node, as well as the status of the peer-to-peer tasks. If the PSTAT line indicates OK all peer-to-
peer tasks were completed on schedule. If it indicates BAD, one or more tasks failed to complete
on schedule. The NET STAT line indicates A if the tasks can be completed on Network A, B if
they can be completed on network B, and A B if they can be completed on either network. This dis-
play provides a quick way to tell if both networks of a redundant MicroLink are ready for communi-

Additional information about the network can be obtained by looking at the following database pa-

B512 through B543 show the type of node that the PCS is detecting at addresses 0 to 31
on Network A.

B544 through B575 show the type of node that the PCS is detecting at addresses 0 to 31
on Network B.

Each parameter can have one of the following values:

0 = Node not accessible

7 = 53MC5000 Process Control Station

9 = SUPERVISOR Card (SUPERVISOR-PC unit or PC unit with 53WS5000 product pack-
age installed)

Section 5. MicroLink Network Management