Mallory Ignition For the car

FORM 1638 (REV. B) 10/04
ACCEL 52000 distributors feature a magnetic triggering device
with an adjustable mechanical advance as well as a totally
independent adjustable vacuum advance. The electronic module
is designed for use with 12-volt negative ground systems only.
ACCEL 52000 distributors are smog legal for specific applications.
Contact the factory for applications that have been granted
C.A.R.B. exemptions.
ACCEL 52000 distributors utilize an internal module and therefore
do not require an external ignition box. However, the ACCEL 52000
series distributors are compatible with most ignition amplifier
boxes (including those from ACCEL and Mallory) if a hotter spark
is required.
Distributor Cap
ACCEL 52000 distributors are supplied with a male tower clip-on
cap with HEI style spark plug wire connections and a wire retainer
ring. If a more tradition style female tower distributor cap style is
desired or required, then the ACCEL 52000 distributors can be
fitted with an ACCEL tan cap and rotor kit p/n 8120. Please note
that when changing to the traditional style female tower cap, that
it is required that you change BOTH the cap (p/n 120124) and the
rotor (p/n 130117). If a black female cap and rotor kit is desired,
then use ACCEL p/n 8124.
Spark Plug Wires
Do NOT use solid metal core spark plug wires. Suppression type
spark plug wires must be used (either carbon/graphite core or
magnetic suppression spiral core). Solid core spark plug wires will
cause false triggering and eventual module failure.
When installing your new ACCEL 52000 distributor, it is important
to check the primary resistance of the coil. To do this, use an
ohmmeter. With the ignition switch off, check across both the (+)
and (–) terminals of the coil. The resistance value should be less
than 1 ohm. If the resistance is greater than 1 ohm, you have a
coil that was designed for a factory points style distributor. Using
a coil that was designed for a points style ignition will cause the
electronic module to overheat and fail. ACCEL recommends using
a coil designed for an electronic breakerless ignition system,
which ideally, has a primary resistance of less than 1 ohm. ACCEL
coil part numbers 140001, 140008, 8145, or 8145C will work
exceptionally well with the ACCEL 52000 distributors. Please note
that an ACCEL 52000 Distributors should never be run with a CD
Coil, without the use of a CD Control Box.
NOTE: Failure to use a coil with the proper primary resistance
(less than 1 ohm) will void your warranty.
Reluctor to Magnetic Pickup Air Gap
The reluctor to magnetic pick-up air gap is preset on the ACCEL
52000 Series Distributors for optimum performance and triggering
accuracy. It does not require any adjustment.
Distributor Drive Gear
ACCEL 52000 distributors are factory fitted with a steel alloy drive
gear that is compatible with most flat tappet cams, as well as
most factory type hydraulic roller cams. Some ACCEL 52000
distributors do not include a drive gear. If your application requires
a drive gear, instructions are included on how to install your stock
drive gear onto the ACCEL 52000 distributor.
If you are using a factory hydraulic roller camshaft, we suggest
that you check for gear wear after the first 100 miles. If you are
using an aftermarket roller camshaft, you may need to use a
bronze distributor gear. Check with your camshaft supplier for
additional information.
Disconnect the ACCEL 52000 distributor wire harness before
welding on the vehicle.
Mechanical Advance
The ACCEL 52000 distributors are factory set to provide
approximately 20° degree (crank) of mechanical advance, starting
at about 900 RPM all in by about 2100 RPM. This is a good
general-purpose curve and will work for most applications. If you
engine has a higher static compression ratio or higher cylinder
pressure from a super or turbo charger, or is used in a heavily
loaded application such as a two vehicle or is equipped with
racing type components, then the mechanical advance curve may
need to be custom tailored to the your particular engines needs.
NOTE: Check local smog laws before changing the advance
Selecting and Changing the Mechanical Advance
The cams, springs, stop bushings and weights all determine the
mechanical advance curve. The starting point, amount and rate of
the mechanical advance are adjustable. When the mechanical
advance starts is controlled by the tension of the springs and their