Upgrade firmware, Luminex sd system firmware upgrade, Close any open applications – Luminex IS 2.1_2.2 to xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 Upgrade Instructions User Manual

Page 11: Turn off the power to the sd, xyp, and analyzer, Turn power back on to the sd system

Upgrade firmware, Luminex sd system firmware upgrade, Close any open applications | Turn off the power to the sd, xyp, and analyzer, Turn power back on to the sd system | Luminex IS 2.1_2.2 to xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 Upgrade Instructions User Manual | Page 11 / 16 Upgrade firmware, Luminex sd system firmware upgrade, Close any open applications | Turn off the power to the sd, xyp, and analyzer, Turn power back on to the sd system | Luminex IS 2.1_2.2 to xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 Upgrade Instructions User Manual | Page 11 / 16