Initial startup – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP 3D User Manual

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System Status Button - This button has two functions: When clicked, it opens the system
log. It also displays the current status of the system. If there are no warnings or errors, the
System Status button is green with a check mark. If there is a warning, out of calibration
condition, or other important user notification, the button is yellow with an exclamation point.

Connection Display - Displays the connection status.

Cal/Ver Ok - This will be lit up if the calibrations and verifications are connected. When you
click the Cal/Ver button, it takes you to Maintenance > System Setup.

Command Display - Displays the following:

• The command currently running.

• The system state (i.e. running, idle, etc.).

• Date and time.

Progress - Displays a bar graph showing the progress of the current command or routine; if
the command or routine is finished, it displays a full progress bar and the command status as

Pause - Pauses the system after the current command completes. Pause does not stop the
system in the middle of running a command. You cannot run another command while the
system is paused. Pause the system before stopping it so that it will finish the current
command, store the pending batch and then resume exactly where it left off.

Stop - Stops the system, regardless of command status. Use this only if it does not matter
whether the data from the current well is lost.

Eject - Ejects the plate. Once the plate is ejected, the Eject button changes to Retract.
Retract retracts the plate, and the Retract button changes back to Eject.

Delta Cal Temp - Displays the difference in temperature in degrees Celsius between the
current reading and the reading when the system was calibrated. If the temperature is out of
tolerance, this shows a high or low arrow. When clicked, it opens the Auto Maint tab.

Sheath Pressure - Displays the sheath pressure in psi. A high or low arrow is displayed if the
pressure is trending up or down versus the calibration pressure it turns yellow. When clicked,
it opens the System Info tab.

XY Status - Displays the current location of the command and the temperature of the plate
heating block in degrees Celsius. When clicked, it opens the Probe & Heater tab.

Laser Status - Displays the laser status, including the time remaining until you must warm
up the laser again. The Laser status box is blue. The button turns yellow when the lasers are
turned off and about ten minutes before they turn off. Clicking the Warm Up button restarts
the active clock for the laser.

Region Events Status - Displays the number of bead events detected per second that are
classified in a region.

Total Events Status - Displays the number of total events detected per second.

Warm Up Button - Starts or schedules a warmup.

Initial Startup

When you turn on the system for the first time, perform the following procedures:

1. Adjusting the Sample Probe Height

2. System Initialization


