Initialize the system – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP 3D User Manual
Page 12

7. Load wells with at least five drops of the Calibration, Verification, and Fluidics beads, as
indicated on the plate image and in the kit insert instructions.
NOTE: To ensure you get the necessary bead count, invert the calibrator
and verifier vials perpendicular to the plate as you add drops to the
wells. This ensures the maximum fluid drop size is dispensed into
the wells.
8. Click Retract.
9. Click Run.
Initialize the System
enables you to customize system initialization using one of these three options:
• Laser warm-up, fluidics prep, calibration, performance verification
• Laser warm-up, fluidics prep, performance verification
• Warm-up fluidics prep
NOTE: Verify the system daily and calibrate weekly to check system integrity
and to ensure that calibration is still valid.
To run the system initialization routine:
1. On the Home page, click System Initialization.
2. Select the performance verification kit from the Performance Verification Kit list.
3. Select the calibration kit from the Calibration Kit list.