Ashly System II User Manual
Page 15

Operating Manual - PROTEA SYSTEM II Digital Audio Products
***NOTE! Read this section before using several Protea units controlled from a Master or Remote.
There are 16 MIDI channels, and any local channel in a Protea system may be independently set to any one of
the 16 MIDI channels. This is how 16 different audio channels are controlled from one remote or master.
On the remote/master:
Bank A is MIDI Channels 1 - 4
Bank B is MIDI Channels 5 - 8
Bank C is MIDI Channels 9 - 12
Bank D is MIDI Channels 13 - 16
MIDI messages in a Protea system are transferred in a closed-loop system, and all commands are verified.
Only one command can be executed at a time throughout the entire system. Note: When a Protea 4.24G is selected as
the Master (via UserPrefs menu), it's 4 channels are ALWAYS automatically set to MIDI Channels 1 - 4. Also Note:
The pop-up message "Unit Not Responding" is displayed whenever the user selects a Bank or Channel key for which
there is no physical channel with that MIDI channel assigned.
When a parameter is changed from the remote, a system message is transmitted to the selected MIDI channel,
stating which parameter to change, along with it’s new value. ALL Protea system channels set to that MIDI channel
will respond accordingly. Note: Simultaneous adjustments made on a 4.24G main unit and 4.24RD remote control will
be treated as "first come, first served" in that the earliest entered command from either unit has priority.
From within the second screen (MORE) of the menu keys, press the MIDI option. This will bring you into the
main MIDI screen. At the top of the display you will see “Local Chan = 1 2 3 4”, representing the audio channels
within that physical Protea unit. Underneath that line, you will see “MIDI Chan = “ and then four numbers. This
represents the MIDI Channel assigned to the local channel displayed directly above it. To change the MIDI Channel,
use the keys directly below each fader graphic for that channel.
Note: The top step on the MIDI Channel Fader is “OFF”. When a Protea Channel is set to OFF, it will not be
affected by any Midi messages on any channel.
We suggest that unless you require unusual mapping of the MIDI Channels in your system, that you match the
MIDI Channels in the units as shown below.
Protea 4.24G #1 = Audio channels 1 - 4 (Bank A)
MIDI Channels 1 - 4 (Master - automatically assigns MIDI Channels 1-4 when selected as Master)
Protea #2 = Audio channels 5 - 8 (Bank B)
MIDI Channels 5 - 8 (1st slave)
Protea #3 = Audio channels 9 - 12 (Bank C)
MIDI Channels 9 - 12 (2nd slave)
Protea #4 = Audio channels 13 - 16 (Bank D)
MIDI Channels 13 - 16 (3rd slave)