13 pc software - installation and use – Cleveland Motion Controls Quantum Tension Controller REV A User Manual

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The CD-Rom delivered with your box contains a PC software dedicated to the QUANTUM, called

Launch the “Setup” file to automatically install the software on your PC in:
During the installation process, a shortcut is automatically created in Run\Programs

The application is launched by a double click on the icon.

To open a pre-set application parameter file, two possibilities are offered:
- click on the thumb index in 'parameter' then 'new' and choose the application type which is
appropriate to you.
- click on 'File' then 'open parameters files…'and under C:\ProgramFiles\merobel\DGT3Soft, open
the file .prm related to your application.

- for direct access to the related help, click the right mouse button.

If you meet problems when installing the QUANTUMsoft on your computer, ensure the
following points:
- the operating system is Windows XP.
- In the event of defect of COM during the launching of the application, make sure that the
cable is properly connected to the COM1 of the PC.

If COM1 is not available, configure the application to work on an alternative port (ex. COM2),
according to following instructions :

. create a shortcut on the desktop for the QUANTUMSoft.exe application.
. click in the properties of the shortcut (right click on the shortcut icon).
. in the thumb index shortcut, write in the target after the access path - com2

(ex. : "C:\Program Files\Program Files\cmc\QUANTUM\quantum.exe" - com2 ).