Hach-Lange TITRALAB 860_865 Reference Manual User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Introduction
- General Information
- Starting up instructions
- Read me!
- Practical examples
- Programming tips
- Glossary
- 0IP (result indicator)
- Accept a result
- Acceptance criteria
- Acceptation
- Access routine mode
- Active electrode unknown in "method ID"
- Add method menu
- Add. reagent = Titrant
- Addition
- Addition delay
- Addition method - definition
- Addition method - programmation
- Addition volume
- Address
- Alarm: Locked
- Alarm: Unlocked
- Aliquot
- Alphanumeric characters
- Amount unit
- Applied signal (AC/DC)
- Archives data lost - Cal. Data lost - Methods kept
- Assistant function
- Autochaining
- Auxiliary input
- Auxiliary output
- Aux. action / Aux. on for
- Back reagent = Titrant
- Back reagent unknown
- Back titration
- Back titration - ID
- Back titration No/Manual/ Automatic
- Balance cables - A95Z201, A95Z202
- Balance cables - A95Z204, A95Z205
- Balance cables - A95Z206, A95Z207
- Balance cables - A95Z208
- Balance connection
- Balance in use
- Bar code reader connection
- Batch number
- Beaker detection
- Beaker detection minimum height
- Beaker menu
- Beakers: [F;L]
- Beep
- Blank (Yes/No)
- Blank not required
- Blank on inflection no.
- Blank required
- Blank volume
- Burette functions menu
- Burette speed
- Burette volume
- Calculate with EP no.
- Calculate with IP no.
- Calibrate electrodes
- Calibrate reagents
- Calibration delay elapsed
- Calibration parameters
- Calibration request
- Calibration results parameters
- Calibration sequence
- Calibration stack
- Catalogue list
- Cell grounding
- Cell window
- Change electrode name
- Change method name
- Change reagent name
- Change sequence name
- Check command
- Check electrodes
- Check reagents
- Communication failure (SAC error)
- Concentration
- Concentration unit
- Configuration menu
- Connections
- Continuous IP method
- Contrast
- Controlled by TTL IN
- Copy electrode
- Copy method
- Copy reagent
- Coupled method
- Create electrode
- Create method
- Create reagent
- Current value
- Curve
- Curves data lost - Cal. Data kept - Methods kept
- Customise
- Date entry
- Default parameters
- Delay after addition
- Delete electrode
- Delete method
- Delete reagent
- Demand: Locked
- Demand: Unlocked
- Derivative
- Detailed
- Dilution (Yes/ No)
- Dilution or sample unit incompatible
- Direction
- Direct measurements
- Disconnect electrodes
- Display contrast
- Display measurement
- Dyn. rinse
- Dynamic dose
- Dynamic IP method
- Dynamic rinses
- Edit electrode menu
- Edit method menu
- Edit reagent menu
- Edit sequence menu
- Electrode calibration
- Electrode calibration (SAC sequence)
- Electrode calibration not required
- Electrode calibration parameters
- Electrode calibration stack
- Electrode connection
- Electrode connection - Important
- Electrode function
- Electrode icons
- Electrode ID
- Electrode identification
- Electrode library
- Electrode not calibrated
- Electrode system
- Electrode type
- Electrode window
- Electrodes are different
- Empty burette
- Empty sequence
- End point
- End point delay
- End point method
- Enter titre
- Equation formula
- Equation formula
- Equation ID
- Equation unit
- Equivalent point determination (IP methods)
- Equivalent point determination (IP methods)
- ERR#32 (SAC error)
- Error messages
- Error in equation formula
- Excess reagent ID
- Excess titre
- Excess volume
- Expiry date
- Expiry date elapsed
- Fill burette
- Final dil. amount
- Flush burette
- Format (printouts)
- Function
- Fuses
- Global flush burettes
- Global variable
- GLP-Archives menu
- Ground conflict
- Help
- High (result indicator)
- Icons
- ID
- Increment
- Inflection Point (IP)
- Input address conflict
- Insert method menu
- Install burette
- Install reagent
- Insufficient number of beakers
- IP filter
- IP reject
- IP>1 (result indicator)
- Iso pH
- Keyboard connection
- Language
- Low (result indicator)
- Main window
- Mains frequency
- Man. stop (result indicator)
- Manual dosing
- Max. stab reached
- Max. stab time
- Max. volume
- Max. vol - Predose > Bur. vol
- Max. volume reached
- Maximum dose
- Measure type conflict for a reprocessing in "Method ID"
- Measurement
- Method
- Method ID
- Method library
- Method parameters menu
- Method results menu
- Method type incompatible for a reprocessing
- Method wrong type
- Min. ordinate Max. ordinate
- Min. ordinate Max. ordinate - Blank
- Min. pH0(25) - Max. pH0(25)
- Min. sensitivity - Max. sensitivity
- Min. speed - Max. speed
- Min. Temp. - Max. Temp.
- Minimum value - Maximum value
- Missing beaker (SAC error)
- Missing EP
- Missing IP
- Mode
- Molar weight
- Monotonic IP method
- Nb lines per page (printouts)
- No curve generation for a reprocessing
- No curve stored within the instrument
- No stirrer (SAC error)
- Notification message
- Number of additions
- Number of buffers
- Number of cycles
- Number of decimals
- Number of digits
- Number of dynamic rinses
- Number of EP
- Number of equations
- Number of IP
- Number of results
- Number of static rinses
- Number of tests
- OK (result indicator)
- Others list
- Parameters menu
- PC cable - A95X501
- PC connection
- PC keyboard
- Periodicity
- Periodicity for QC samples
- pH0(25)
- pH buffer
- pH calibration results parameters
- pH calibration solutions parameters
- pH int
- Potential versus SHE
- Predose mode, Predose until
- Preprogrammed list
- Printer
- Printer cables - A95P201, A95X506
- Printer connection
- Print in table
- Printouts
- Printouts detailed
- Printouts menu
- Printouts setup
- Printouts title
- Programming method
- Programming sequence
- Proportional band
- QC (result indicator)
- QC analysis required
- QC data menu
- QC not required
- QC periodicity elapsed
- QC sample
- QC sample (Yes/ No)
- Reaction X Exc. + Y Titr
- Reaction X Smp + Y Titr
- Reaction X Smp + Y Exc
- Reaction X Std + Y Titr
- Reagent addition ID
- Reagent addition volume
- Reagent calibration
- Reagent calibration (SAC sequence)
- Reagent calibration not required
- Reagent calibration parameters
- Reagent calibration stack
- Reagent icons
- Reagent ID
- Reagent identification
- Reagent library
- Reagent not calibrated
- Reagent system
- Reagent titre not entered
- Reagent unit
- Reagent window
- Recalculate results
- Ref. electrode conflict
- Reject a result
- Remove burette
- Remove method from a sequence
- Remove reagent
- Replace burette
- Replace electrodes
- Replace reagent
- Replacing reagent bottle
- Reprocessing a curve
- Reprocessing a curve (rules)
- Reprocessing a curve (Automatic mode)
- Reprocessing a curve (Manual mode)
- Reprocessing a reagent calibration curve
- Reset memory
- Reset to factory settings
- Result accepted (Yes/No)
- Result ID
- Result indicators
- Result unit
- Results
- Results by difference/ cumulate
- Results factor (Yes/No)
- Results menu
- Rinse aux. output
- Rinse burette
- Rinse time
- Routine mode
- Run window
- Running a manual dosing
- Running a method
- Running a reagent calibration sequence
- Running a SAC sequence
- Running a TIM sequence
- Running an electrode calibration sequence
- SAC arm obstructed (SAC error)
- SAC ext. cell GND
- SAC Method
- SAC option missing (SAC error)
- SAC Sequence
- SAC switch Off/ On (SAC error)
- SAC80/SAC90/ SAC850/SAC950
- Same buffer change buffer
- Sample amount
- Sample changer
- Sample changer cable - A95A202 (SAC80/SAC90)
- Sample changer cable - A95X501 (SAC850/ SAC950)
- Sample dilution conflict
- Sample ID
- Sample menu
- Sample preparation no.
- Sample stack
- Sample type incompatible
- Sample unit
- Sample unit conflict
- Select electrode
- Select method
- Select reagent
- Select sequence
- Sensitivity
- Sequence/SAC sequence
- Sequence/ Sample stack menu
- Sequence end in Park (Yes/No)
- Sequence ID
- Serial number
- Setup menu
- Simultaneous additions (Yes/ No)
- Skip empty position
- Smoothing parameter
- Software version
- Solution menu
- Speed
- Stability
- Standard amount
- Standard ID
- Standard menu
- Standard unit incompatible
- Start addition
- Start from
- Start timer
- Static rinses
- Static rinse time
- Statistics
- Stirring
- Stoichiometric coefficients
- Stop after last IP
- Stop analysis
- Stop point
- Supervisor code
- Supervisor mode
- T˚C minimum/ maximum value
- Target titre
- Temperature Probe/ Fixed at 25˚C/Entered
- Temperature sensor ID
- Test amount
- The sequence is empty
- TIM cell external Gnd
- Time max (result indicator)
- Title
- Titrant ID
- Titre Enter/ Calibrate
- Tray missing (SAC error)
- TTL 5 V OUT/ TTL 12 V OUT (sockets)
- TTL IN (sockets)
- Turntable blocked (SAC error)
- Type of method
- User ID (Yes/No)
- User list
- User’s rights
- Viewing global variables
- Volume
- Working mode
- Wrong buffer
- Wrong type (SAC error)
- Zero pH
- Appendixes