Drain outlet assembly installation, Storage tank installation – Hydrotech Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System c_w Booster Pump and Inlet Solenoid User Manual

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NOTE: State, provincial and local plumbing codes may prohibit use of saddle-tapping drain connections and may require

use of an air gap.

NOTE: Location and orientation of drain outlet assembly is vital to system performance.

Horizontal Drain Line:

Locate drain hole as close as possible to top of pipe

(between 45º and top) and as far as practical from

garbage disposal.

Vertical Drain Line:

Locate drain hole on a straight length of drainpipe next to

“P”/”S” trap between trap and sink.

Figure 4: Drain Hole Location and Installation

1. Select a location for drain hole based on type of sink and orientation of drain line.

2. Position drain outlet saddle valve on drainpipe. Allow adequate space for drilling operation.

3. Tighten saddle bolts evenly on both sides. Avoid over-tightening.

4. Using opening in drain saddle outlet as a guide, drill a 3/8” to 7/16” diameter hole in drainpipe. Clean any debris out

of drain saddle connection.


1. Hand-tighten the ball valve onto the RO storage tank. CAUTION: Do not over-tighten ball valve as this may strip

threads or compromise the “O” ring seal.

2. Slide compression nut over 3/8” white tubing.

3. a. Make sure to install the “INSERT” in the 3/8” white tubing before tightening the nut of the ball valve.

b. Push 3/8” white tubing into the ball valve as far as possible.

4. While holding the 3/8” white tubing in the ball valve, hand-tighten the compression nut onto the ball valve.

5. Connect 3/8” white tubing to the tee fitting on the RO. NOTE: With the storage tank empty, ensure the air-cell pre-

charge is set to manufacturers instructions marked on tank. Use a hand power air pump to top up if necessary.

WARNING: Never use an air compressor to fill air cell of a reverse osmosis system storage tank. Never tamper with the

air valve located at the bottom of the tank.


Ball Valve




