Explanation of the error messages – EXP Computer CRW with DVD ROM Card User Manual

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4. Add the following line at the TOP of your AUTOEXEC.BAT:

drive:\path\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /M:4

Where drive:\path

specifies the DOS directory or the directory containing the file


Note: If your AUTOEXEC.BAT file loads a menu program such as DOSSHELL or Windows, you

have to add the above line in front of your menu program. Otherwise, MSCDEX will not

have a chance to load before your menu program begins.

The example above shows the default setting. The /D: switch indicates the device name. It

MUST be the same name specified by the /D: switch of ARICDF.EXE in your CONFIG.SYS

file. The /M: switch indicates how much memory to allocate for caching information on the

CD-RW. The default /M:4 caches 8KB.

For more information about the switches of MSCDEX, please type ‘help MSCDEX’ at the DOS


5. Now, reboot your computer to activate the external CD-RW drive.

Explanation Of The Error Messages

This section explains the most common error messages that DOS/Windows 3.1 users may encounter.

After rebooting your computer, the following messages will be displayed on your screen, which are

generated by ARICDF.EXE and MSCDEX.EXE.

Configure card to:

I/O Port: 320-32F

Device Name: MSCD001

PCMCIA CD-ROM card is present in socket 1


Drive D: = Driver MSCD001 unit 0