CEMB USA N300 User Manual

Page 17

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General overview

2 - 5


YY are the last two figures of the year (08 for 2008, 09 for 2009, …)


HH is the time of day (from 00 to 23)


mm are the minutes of the hour (from 00 to 59)

The position to open can be selected using the and arrows, then the
additional functions bar must be displayed and one of the following operations must be


save the measurement (or balancing operation) performed.
The current date and time are automatically used to identify the data
In the case of two-channel acquisition, data is automatically saved in the
same position of the record for both channels.


If the position selected is already in use, before saving the data the


asks the operator to confirm that the data should be overwritten. Press to
confirm; the key interrupts the saving procedure and another position can
be selected.


load the measurements (or balancing operation) selected

Loading data from the records allows the user to view results saved
previously in a relevant screen, described respectively in
5-8 Displaying measurements from the records and 6-5 Displaying
balancing results from the records


delete the measurement selected, emptying the relative position in the


delete all of the measurements, emptying the records completely.