CEMB USA SM915 Maxi User Manual
Page 25

Fig. 10
Fig. 9
When clamping a tyre, never have your hands under the tyre. To clamp the tyre correctly, position
the wheel exactly at the centre of the turntable.
Do not place your hands on the wheel: when moving the arm to its working position your hand
could be crushed between the rim and the mounting head.
Before any operation remove the old wheel balancing weights and check that the tyre is deflated.
•Spread the grease supplied (A) (or grease of a similar type) onto the tyre bead.
Failure to use the grease supplied risks causing serious damage to the tyre bead.
Make sure that the rim is firmly fixed to the clamps.
•Lower the mounting bar (m) until the mounting tool rests against the edge of the rim and lock it using the lever (K). this way
the arm is locked in a vertical direction.
once the arm has been locked in a vertical direction, the mounting head must be moved away manually from the rim (about
2 mm) using the handwheel located on the left section of the horizontal arm.
•with the lever (t) inserted between the bead and the front section of the mounting head (i), move the tyre bead over the
mounting head (fig. 10).
Note: in order to avoid damaging the inner tube, if there is one, it is advisable to carry out this
operation with the valve about 10 cm to the right of the mounting head.
•with the lever held in this position, rotate the turntable (y) in a clockwise direction by pressing down on pedal (Z) until the
tyre is completely separated from the wheel rim.
Chains, bracelets, loose clothing or foreign objects in the vi-
cinity of moving parts can represent a danger for
the operator.
•remove the inner tube if there is one and repeat the operation for the
other bead.
to prevent industrial accidents, keep hands and other parts of the body as far as possible from the
tool arm when the table top is turning.
Rims from 10 to 22 inches
•Position the clamps (G) according to the reference mark
on the turntable (y) by pressing the pedal (V) down to
its intermediate position.
•Place the tyre on the clamps and, keeping the rim pres-
sed down, press the pedal (V) as far as it will go.
Rims from 12 - 24 inches
•Position the clamps (G) so that they are completely clo-
•Place the tyre on the clamps and press down the pedal
(V) to open the clamps and thereby lock the rim.