Q.V.P. Veneer Softener User Manual
Page 3

Veneer Softener CONT’D.
Section Three--Immediate Health Hazards
Skin absorption: No hazards known.
Ingestion: Not expected to be harmful under normal conditions of use
Inhalation: No hazards known
Skin: No hazards known
Eyes: Causes irritation
Section Four--Emergency and First Aid procedures
Ingestion: If accidentally swallowed dilute by drinking large quantities of water. Immediately contact
poison control center or hospital emergency room for any other additional treatment directions..
Eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water. Call a physician if irritation persists.
Section Five--Fire and Explosion Hazards
Combustible. Keep away from heat and flame.
In case of fire, use water spray, dry chemical, foam or CO2. Use water to keep fire-exposed containers
Section Six--Safe Handling and Personal Protection
No special protection necessary.
Section Seven--Reactivity Data
Normally Stable as defined in NFPA 704-12(4-3.1).
Hazardous polymerization: May occur
Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizers.
Decomposition products may include: none known
Section Eight--Control Measures
Engineering controls: The following exposure control techniques may be used to effectively minimize
employee exposure: local exhaust ventilation, enclosed system design, process isolation and remote control
in combination with appropriate use of personal protective equipment and prudent work practices. These
techniques may not necessarily address all issues pertaining to your operations. We, therefore, recommend
that you consult with experts of your choice to determine whether or not your programs are adequate.
Section Nine--Spill or Leak and Disposal Procedures
Eliminate all ignition sources.
Large quantities: Enclose with diking material to prevent seepage into natural bodies of water, then consult
Custom-Pak Adhesives Inc.
Small quantities: soak up with absorbent material and remove to a chemical disposal area.