Select compare file, Jump to site, Quick lambda – MoTeC M84 User Manual
Page 63

Compare Mode shows the difference between the current file and the
selected comparison file.
When Compare Mode is turned on, the selected compare file description is
shown on the status line at the bottom of the screen.
The comparison file may be selected by choosing Select Compare File from
the Tools menu.
When Compare Mode is turned on, an icon will appear at the left of the
Adjust Menu items that contain differences.
Select Compare File
Selects the file used for Compare Mode.
Jump to Site
Moves the Cursor block to the Site closest to the current engine operating
Quick Lambda
Adjusts the fuel value to achieve the Lambda value in the Wideband Lambda
The new fuel value is calculated by checking the difference between the
Lambda sensor reading and the value in the Wide Band Lambda Table.
The Lambda reading may be either Lambda 1, Lambda 2 or the Average of
both. This is configured in the Wideband Lambda setup.
The engine must be operating near the centre of the site for the calculation to
give correct results.
Quick Lambda may be used from the Fuel Main Table, Fuel Injection Timing
Table, Ignition Main Table, Fuel Second Load Table and Fuel Individual
When used from the Fuel Main Table the cursor jumps to the closest site if the
cursor is not on site.
When used from the Ignition M ain Table or Fuel Injection Timing Table the
Fuel Main Table site closest to the current operating point is adjusted.
When used from the Fuel Second Load Table or the Fuel Individual Tables
the change is made to that table rather than the Fuel Main Table.