Program the eswitch – DE-STA-CO eSwitch Programmable Limit Switch User Manual

Page 9

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3. Under “Ports,” the VCP should be shown as COM6. If it is not 6,

note the number shown.

Note: If the Com port is not 6, then you must change the text in
the file “eswitchcomport.txt” from “6” to the Com port number as
noted in step 3. This file is located in the same directory as the
program “eSwitch”.

4. Configure the communications port with the following settings:

Baud Rate 9600 bps
Data Bits 8
Parity None

Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None

Program the eSwitch


When programming of the eSwitch is complete, remove

the USB cable from the eSwitch and put the blue cover back on the
USB port on the eSwitch. Failure to replace the cover could result in
damage to the eSwitch.

1. Connect the switch to the computer with a USB cable and

provide power to the eSwitch

2. Run “eSwitch.exe”